Thursday, June 30, 2022

"Men in Crisis"-Dr. Michael Dadson Launches New Men's Group

To address the Ongoing Men’s Mental Health Crisis Dr. Mike Dadson is launching a new Men's Group in Langley, BC.

For more information about the new Men's Group" visit me at my clinic web site here: 

Problem: Cultural Conditioning

Cultural conditioning is a major barrier, preventing men from entering into mental health care.

According to Dr. Michael Dadson:

"Often men are conditioned to function in the workplace for long hours, in some cases more hours on the work site than at home with their partners and children. Much of their time is spent in a place where emotions do not hold much value if any."

Due to this mindset, men are not aware or can have no awareness of the importance their emotions play in their own mental health or that of their family and those they love.

It is common for men to be "ill equipped", lack understanding or have little experience when relating emotionally to others as emotions are not usually expressed or understood in their place of work. 

Just ask almost any man how comfortable he feels about crying with a co-worker or expressing feelings of being overwhelmed to a boss.

Extensive research exists demonstrating that men’s mental health issues are minimized and that men face tremendous barriers to seeking help. In many cultures, men are socialized to work and provide for their families as their primary responsibility.

Sadly for men, emotions or relationships are not valued even today, unless the in male-dominated workplaces.

Dr. Dadson explains issues related to anxiety and depression in men in the video above.

The Approach: Working Groups for Men

Often in men's team sports, the effort of one individual is not enough and a coach or a team facilitator, is vital or necessary. When dealing with men's mental health issues this is often the case. Dr. Michael Dadson's extensive research involving the effectiveness of working groups for veterans is demonstrated in the informative publication:

  “Evaluation of a group intervention for veterans who experienced military-related trauma,”

To view the press release regarding the new lead by renowned men's mental health specialist, Dr. Mike Dadson, follow this link:  Intensive Work Group for Men: "Growing Our Mental Health" ,

#Michaeldadson #Drmichaeldadson #Mikedadson #Drmikedasson #Drdadson 

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